Columbus Attorneys

The law firm of Harris & Engler was founded by attorneys Steven M. Harris and Evan T. Engler for the purpose of providing the best access to a spectrum of legal services to residents of Columbus and nearby.  The attorneys at Harris & Engler are dedicated to serving clients in the most effective and creative ways in order to reach the best results possible.  The mission of Harris & Engler is to provide our clients with a network of innovative legal solutions, excellent legal representation and a dedication to quality customer service.  We strive to understand our clients unique needs and provide high quality and result-oriented legal services.
Columbus Business Law Firm

Disclaimer:  Harris & Engler offers this website and the content on it for informational purposes only, as a service for our clients and friends.  The contents of this site are not considered legal advice for any purpose, and you should not consider them as such advice or as legal opinion on any matters. 

With Offices Located at: 30 Northwoods Blvd., Suite 350, Columbus, Ohio 43235
Phone: +1(380) 214-0361  Email: